How To Find Your Truth

SONY DSCAs humans, we are inherent seekers of truth.  Whether we are trying to comprehend our true life purpose, make a truthful decision, or decipher if someone if telling us the truth, it is natural for us to extract truth from all matter of life. But your truth must be grasped firmly. So long as we are ready to face it, the truth is no further than a few steps down the inner road.

Alexandra Harra, a certified life coach, gives a number of routes we can take on our journey towards truth. Reflect on which of these approaches is best for you:

  • Honor your needs – There are questions you must ask yourself when faced with a choice: what, why, and for whom? Most of the time, the answer to each of these should include a “me” or “I.”
  • Listen – The people around you can help you establish truth, if you are willing to listen. Ask three people whom you trust fully for unfiltered advice. Listen openly and without interruption. A fresh perspective helps detangle truth from frustrating, personal sentiments.
  • Examine history – Truth represents itself throughout history. If you acted in a way that hurt you in the past, acting in a similar way will hurt you in the future. Learn from your own history and base your truth on the lessons you’ve learned.

There are a number of routes you can take on your journey towards truth. You can see all 10 approaches here.