Banish These Overused LinkedIn Buzzwords

Are you driven? Creative? Responsible? Bad news – so is everyone else!

LinkedIn just announced their annual list of the most overused, underwhelming buzzwords and phrases of LinkedIn profiles of 2014. Do any of these buzzwords appear on your profile?

  • Motivated
  • Passionate
  • Creative
  • Driven
  • Extensive
  • Responsible
  • Strategic
  • Track record
  • Organizational
  • Expert

The new year is the perfect time to breathe new life into your LinkedIn profile. Banish these boring LinkedIn buzzwords and update your profile with these easy steps:

  • Summary – Don’t just replace those meaningless buzzwords with other lackluster adjectives. Instead, include examples that illustrate how you’re motivated, driven, etc.
  • Profile Photo – Does your profile photo reflect the professional image that you’re trying to portray?
  • Headline – Writ a strong headline that makes people want to learn more about you. If you’re actively seeking a job, say it in your headline.
  • Skills – Listing your Skills on your profile makes you 13 times more likely to be viewed on LinkedIn! Include a mix of high-level and niche skills to showcase your range of talent.