When we left our offices back in March of 2020, who would’ve anticipated that almost two years later, we would still find ourselves working from home? And, it seems many businesses are struggling to find the right solution on when to leave the virtual office behind for the brick-and-mortar office we all once knew.

If companies choose to go back to the office in the near future, there may be other roadblocks that employers will have to cross, such as determining whether employees actually want to go back to the office. It seems most are continuing to find themselves working at home for the foreseeable future.
According to an Upwork Study, 22% of the American workforce, or 36.2 million individuals, will be working remotely by 2025. If this is the position you find yourself in already, then how does one lead a productive team when you’re not in the same building?
Keep Yourself Connected
How can an executive be productive from a remote location and not seem like he or she is micro-managing their team? It’s a fine line for sure. It takes discipline to work from a home setting. And, while we should all be disciplined at this point in the game, it can be difficult to keep morale and motivation high when everyone is in different locations.

Maintaining Your Leadership
Maintaining your leadership with your team can be a challenge — and it may be a bigger challenge when leading from home, however, it’s not impossible considering 52% of employees have grown more passionate about their jobs this past year (LiveCareer).
Continue to be present each and every day. Here are five reminders of just how simple that can be.
1. Be present in meetings.
While meetings haven’t been in person for a while, be sure to utilize the camera so your team can see you.
2. Continue to keep routines and schedules in place.
Don’t deviate from your routine and make sure your schedule is set. Productivity may suffer if it is not. If needed, utilize productivity tools to keep you and your team focused.
3. Keep the lines of communication open.
Let your team know you’re available to them for support. While nobody enjoys too many meetings, it may be a good practice to have a check-in with your team at certain times of the week to ensure productivity is where it should be.
4. Celebrate successes.
Be sure to keep track of project deadlines and to celebrate successes when those deadlines are met.
5. Take breaks when needed.
Sitting in a closed-off room in your home may leave some feeling isolated. Encourage your team to take a break when needed. For example, schedule meetings early so that a short walk during lunch is possible. Stretching those legs and rejuvenating your mind may just leave you and your team ready to tackle the afternoon more efficiently.

You’re In Charge
Regardless of whether you find yourself working remotely or in person with your team in an actual office, one thing is for certain: you are in charge of continuing your career growth. Be the best leader you can be for you and for your team. Contact Executive Coach Deborah O’Donnell at Rodas Coaching for more information.